She who found herself

She's been lost.
She's been in the state of unknowing.
She's surely not unknown, but she's in the state of unknowing.
She's unknowing of what she wants, what she likes and
She's unknowing of whether the word unknowing even exists.

One thing leads to another.
Dots after dots.
Questions after questions.
Exclamation mark, one after another.

She realizes that love may not be the answer,
she realizes that love may not always be the answer.
Because like many others, she's too betrayed by love.

Love, on the other hand, is pure and innocent.
Love shouldn't be blamed,
Love is just another verb.
Love is also a noun.
But is love allowed to be possessed?

Love means to give,
but should there be a limitation in giving?
Or maybe love just means to forgive instead?
She loves so much that she forgives,
even the biggest mistake he commits.
She loves so much that she gives him the second chance,
even if she knew second chance means the second time of
her being betrayed.

Unlike forgiving which rhymes with forgetting,
she does not forget.

She does not forget the pain she feels,
She does not forget the pain of crying,
She does not forget the pain of betrayal,
She does not forget the pain of trusting too much,
She does not forget the pain of letting go.

One thing leads to another.
"Hi"s after "bye"s.
Answers after answers.
Advice after advice.

She realizes that love may be the answer,
she realizes that love may always be the answer,
Because like many others, she's too missing the love she once felt.

Indeed, love is pure and innocent.
Indeed, love shouldn't be blamed.
Indeed, love is a verb and also a noun.
But maybe love shouldn't be possessed.
Because maybe love should only be felt.

There's nothing wrong with forgiving.
There's nothing wrong with a second chance.

Maybe she's not good at forgetting,
thus she must be good at remembering.

Maybe she should try to remember.
Maybe she should try to forget.

She should remember all the loves she feels and receives,
She should remember her own sound of laughter,
She should remember those who stay in her life,
She should remember those who still trust her,
She should remember the ease of letting go.

She let go.
She let go of her anger.
She let go of her pain.
She let go of her regrets.
She let go of her tears.
She let go of her fears.

The fear to trust again.
The fear to forgive again.
The fear to love again.

She let go.

And she found herself,
like she never did before.

-Aliah Nazamusa,  3 Feb 2018

1 comment

  1. Its too deep yet I can feel the connection
